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Ex Vice-Presidents and Secretaries in Parish Mission

From the day our parish came into existence, along with the parish priest, many lay leaders contributed their services to the all-around growth of the parish. Lay leaders were initially referred to as 'Treasurers.' Later, they were called 'Administrators', and now they are known as 'Vice-Presidents'. Through the sacrifices and wholehearted service of these individuals, our parish was able to celebrate its centenary. Here is a glimpse of all the leaders who have served in our parish!


Image of Late P. A. Rodrigues

Late P. A. Rodrigues

Image of Late Benjamin Pais

Late Benjamin Pais

Image of Late Rosario DSouza

Late Rosario DSouza

Image of Late Kashmir Tauro

Late Kashmir Tauro

Image of Late Trindad Pinto

Late Trindad Pinto

Image of Late Rosario Mendonca

Late Rosario Mendonca

Image of Late Baptist Rasquinha

Late Baptist Rasquinha


Image of Late Richard Rodrigues

Late Richard Rodrigues

Image of Late Hilary Pinto

Late Hilary Pinto

Image of Late Alex J. Lobo

Late Alex J. Lobo

Vice Presidents

Image of Late George Pinto

Late George Pinto

I : 06-03-1986 : 31-05-1991

Image of Late Elias Rodrigues

Late Elias Rodrigues

I : 01-06-1991 : 31-05-1994

Image of Mr. Jerald Rasquinha

Mr. Jerald Rasquinha

I : 01-06-1994 : 31-05-1998

Image of Late Richard Lobo

Late Richard Lobo

I : 01-06-1998 : 31-05-2000

Image of Late Eugin Wilfred Pinto

Late Eugin Wilfred Pinto

I : 01-06-2000 : 31-05-2003

Image of Mr. Johnson Lobo

Mr. Johnson Lobo

II : 01-01-2014 : 31-12-2016

I : 01-06-2003 : 31-05-2010

Image of Mr. Richard Fernandes

Mr. Richard Fernandes

II : 01-01-2020 : 31-12-2020

I : 01-01-2017 : 31-12-2019

Image of Mr. Jerald Lobo

Mr. Jerald Lobo

I : 01-01-2021 : 31-12-2022

Image of Mr. Romans Lobo

Mr. Romans Lobo

II : 01-01-2023 : Present

I : 01-01-2011 : 31-12-2013


Image of Late Alex Dsouza

Late Alex Dsouza

I : 01-02-1982 : 31-05-1985

Image of Mrs. Agnes Rodrigues

Mrs. Agnes Rodrigues

I : 01-06-1985 : 30-11-1985

Image of Sr. M. Jacintha

Sr. M. Jacintha

I : 01-12-1985 : 31-05-1986

Image of Late Benedict Peris

Late Benedict Peris

I : 01-06-1986 : 31-05-1988

Image of Mr. Oswald Peris

Mr. Oswald Peris

II : 01-06-2006 : 31-12-2010

I : 01-06-1988 : 31-05-1991

Image of Mr. Jerald Rasquinha

Mr. Jerald Rasquinha

I : 01-06-1991 : 31-05-1994

Image of Late Eugin Wilfred Pinto

Late Eugin Wilfred Pinto

II : 01-06-2006 : 31-12-2010

I : 01-06-1994 : 31-05-2000

Image of Mrs. Lilly Mathias

Mrs. Lilly Mathias

II : 01-01-2014 : 31-12-2016

I : 01-06-2000 : 31-05-2003

Image of Mr. Richard Fernandes

Mr. Richard Fernandes

I : 01-01-2011 : 31-12-2013

Image of Mr. Jerald Lobo

Mr. Jerald Lobo

II : 01-01-2020 : 31-12-2020

I : 01-01-2017 : 31-12-2019

Image of Mr. Praveen Lobo

Mr. Praveen Lobo

I : 01-01-2021 : 31-12-2022

Image of Mr. Johnson Lobo

Mr. Johnson Lobo

I : 01-01-2023 : Present