Small Christian Community

About our Association
One Heart and One Mind - The Small Christian Community:
"Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them" (Matthew 18:20). Motivated by the word of God, we have come together in fellowship with a spirit of joy. On October 7, 1993, during our gathering for the Feast of Our Lady of Pompei, we laid the foundation of the Small Christian community under the guidance of Fr. Leo Vegas.
Subsequently, under the leadership and guidance of Fr. Cyprian Pinto, Fr. Paul Rego, Fr. Gregory Serrao, and Fr. Paul Pinto, the community has grown successfully. Under the guidance of Fr. Anthony Lobo, the Christian community celebrated its silver jubilee on February 3, 2019. The community has flourished through various initiatives, including programs focused on spiritual growth and knowledge enhancement, which have brought satisfaction to all involved. With feasts, picnics, entertainment, and community service, we engage in both spiritual and worldly activities to foster bonds.
On Community Day, we celebrated Konkani Food Day, organized a Bible-based fun quiz competition, and a Bible-themed drama competition. Participants competed in various categories, and the community honoured individuals with awards based on their contributions and efforts, creating a competitive atmosphere filled with fun and fellowship.
This successful gathering has been highlighted by the central committee's leadership, which includes members like Mr. Norbert Sequira, Mr. Wilfred Pinto, and Mr. Roylin Lobo, along with the efforts of committee chairperson Mrs. Irene Pinto.
The community, and sisters of Pompei and Rosa Mystica Convent, strive to serve those in need with compassion and dedication. All church committees, community committees, and secretaries have worked together to ensure the success of the community.
In spiritual matters, the entire community participates in various festivals, thanksgiving celebrations, and spiritual gatherings that strengthen our faith, fostering connections between families. We gather for various feasts, community events, and home visits to promote spiritual growth.
In social matters, we address public road repairs, government initiatives, environmental awareness, and agricultural development to serve the community.
In organized efforts, we work towards repairing homes for the needy and helping those affected by illnesses like cancer through fundraising and support. We provide aid to those facing financial hardships and work collaboratively with social welfare organizations. Presently, every family in the community contributes actively to community life. Each month, the community celebrates its activities, reinforcing the spirit of unity and life within the community.
Office Bearers
- Convenor: Mrs. Delcy Rodrigues